In this exhibit we discuss numbers and number relationships found in nature, starting with number series such as Fibonacci’s, remarkable numbers such as pi, ratios and proportions. Large images below represent natural objects in which numbers are evident or can be described by numbers. With free software, shown in the AR tab, you can take advantage of the content there to create AR experiences.

How to play
In the original version of Numbed by numbers (DIN – Diamo i numeri), the visitor can take a red plexiglass disc with the tag drawn on it and by placing it under the PC webcam with the AR software installed can see an Augmented Reality content (3D object, video, image, audio,…) on the TV (see the photo’s gallery). The AR experience can also be replicated with other software (see below) and mobile devices, such as tablets and Ipads.
1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,… This succession in which each number is obtained by the sum of the two numbers that precede it, is named after Leonardo Pisano known as Fibonacci (1175-1240), a 13th-century mathematician. His father was a merchant who had constant contact with the peoples of North Africa, so Leonardo had the opportunity to travel to Egypt, Syria, and Greece and to meet leading Arab mathematicians and learn algebra and the Indo-Arabic notation system that has come down to us. In 1202 he wrote the Liber Abaci, a work that introduced Europe to the Indo-Arabic system of notation, decimal numeration and the zero-or zefr, from the Arabic zefiro-that is, empty number like the “breath of wind,” which, by moving digits as the wind moves things, changes their value even in its insubstantiality.
One of the peculiarities of Fibonacci numbers is that they are often found in nature. What makes this connection interesting is that by following the Fibonacci sequence, flowers can maximize the space and effectiveness of their exposure to sunlight and pollinating insects. An arrangement of petals or seeds that follows this sequence allows flowers to have optimal positioning to catch light and insects from different angles. For plants, carrying multiple seeds is advantageous because it increases the species’ chances of reproducing. However, it is important to note that this rule does not apply to all flowers, as there are many factors that influence the number of petals, including genetics, environment and other variables.
Educational links: irrational numbers, mathematics and art
WEBSITE: Music and Fibonacci series (link)
DIDACTIC MATERIAL: DOSSIER – (ITA) (Cap. Fibonacci series)
For this exhibit, several solutions can be adopted for the visualisation of content on webpages, and AR content can also be created using downloadable markers.
To be able to realize the AR experience, we recommend using the AERO app for mobile device (c) Adobe software (see link below), which is free software, upon registration, and intuitively allows you to create AR content. Specifically, after downloading the software, use the TAGs that can be downloaded from this site, and create associated content (3D models, video, audio, or images).
We recommend downloading the software for mobile version, and duplicate (Apple TV if you use IPAD to connect with a big screen), in a TV so you can see the result, for example, in the vertical screen installed in the pallet.
How to build
- n. 4 Vertical pallets (one of which has compartment for TV recess) 120×200 cm and TV fixing system // You can avoid using the TV for AR content and use a tablet with the software suggested in the Augmented Reality section.
- n. 4 base pallets 120×80 cm
- n. 1 cardboard and MDF stand for removable tablet (solution to be found) // Tablet support with web pages for content on TAG-related topics.
- n. 3 large images on dibond or cardboard: 120×80 cm
- n. 8 printed cardboard panels 20×35 cm with TAG print on white background and mini explanation
- n. 8 red plexiglass MARKER shapes with MARKER, to be placed under webcam (see photo) // If you use a tablet with AR software, you can also avoid creating an ad hoc workstation.
- Webcam
- Software for AR
- TV // to be recessed
- PC and HDMI cable for TV connection
- Cardboard panel for MARKER use instructions (80×50 cm)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Nautilus) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Sunflower) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (hexagons) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Diatoms) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Cicada) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Circle) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Broccoli) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Achillea) 20×35 cm (ITA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Nautilus) 20×35 cm (FRA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Sunflower) 20×35 cm (FRA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (hexagons) 20×35 cm (FRA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Diatoms) 20×35 cm (FRA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Cicada) 20×35 cm (FRA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Circle) 20×35 cm (FRA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Broccoli) 20×35 cm (FRA)
TAG CARDBOARD PANEL (Achillea) 20×35 cm (FRA)
PHOTO Numbers & nature (DIATOMS)