Web page from which to take the codes for the counters you want to embed on your page. On this site you can find various other meters and can make interesting comparisons. For example, education spending in the world is less than health spending and about twice as much as military spending."Today” starts at midnight on the clock of the computer on which the counter is installed:
How to play
Below you can see the page you can access when the counters are active. Press the space bar to see what the numbers mean. Link to page: https://www.din.usi.ch/pages/counters/
How to set up & build
The numbers can be projected on a wall or through a television set. Below you will find the counter .html files
Download the folder below with the html file called counter. Launch the counter .html with the browser (it is local, but needs internet connection to update counter info). Since it is local, it is possible to change the counters and the size of the displayed page as desired, depending on the beamer or screen used. The page will display various counters and information, which will update every 25 milliseconds through the use of the JavaScript code provided.
Keep in mind that the code uses some external resources, such as custom fonts, jQuery, and external data for the counters. Therefore, make sure you have a working Internet connection when you open the page to view it properly.
Remember that this is only a local web page, so it will only be accessible from your computer. If you wish to make it available online to share with other people, you will need to upload it to a public web server.
To change the displayed texts, enter the code, search for the strings with the writings and change them to the desired language.
The red emergency button can only be a keyboard with a space bar, or an external device that will have to be connected to the computer and set to match the space bar.